Thursday, November 6, 2008


Was shocked that Fall was already here, and seems like it is ready to come to an end. Time is just flying by, and not sure where it all went.

Our Halloween celebration was a short one, but cute. We ended up going shopping for Ethans costume a ouple weeks back, and thought we were good to go. We were slightly wrong, and the lion costume we picked out was not well liked by Ethan. So back to the stores we went, and we finally found one that he liked and picked out himself. We had our very own little Ninja!

Friday night we got ready, and get Ethan all dressed which was a little bit of a struggle. He wasn't in the mood to want to celebrate, and didn't seem to amused with it at first. So we packed him in the car all set to go trick-or-treating, and drove around for a little bit. It just doesn't seem like Halloween was as big as it was when we were little, or maybe it just seems like that here. I remember we'd go out before the trick-or-treating time even started to get a little head start, and not come back home until you have hit every house that you might have missed. Trick-or-treating started at 5:00, and around 6:00, and a little driving around we finally found some little kids.

Ethan agreed that he wasnted to go in the subdivision behind our house, so we found a spot and started on our way. Much too cute for words, but Ethan was more amused with the decorations and just going for a walk, then he was going up to the houses to get some candy. One of the houses an older couple used some deer skulls, and dressed them up to look rather creepy, and that did it for Ethan. He just wanted to keep walking, and more people came to him to give him candy, then he wanted to go to them and get it. So with about 30 houses that we walked by, he might have stopped at three, and then two others brought candy to him.

So at the end of the last block is an elementary school with a nice playground, so we played there for close to an hour, and that pretty much was the end to our trick-or-treating. When we pulled in the driveway, our bowl of candy and bags hadn't been touched, and once again it seemed that it was going to be the second year that noone stopped to get candy. But finally five kids stopped by and grabbed a couple bags.

So... can't believe that Halloween is already done. On Saturday our older neighbor lady took down her decorations and replaced them with a lit-up reindeer, plus all the stores are completely over Fall, and moved onto the Christmas spirit. Couldn't believe that we had been listening to Walmarts Christmas music a couple days ago. Seems like everyone skips over Thanksgiving and all the turkey festivities!

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